iRacing’s Tony Gardner spoke up on the topic of the iRacing Dirt release again today. Here’s a quote:
Tube Twister is going to be in week 13.
We frankly had it added when we saw the posts but the old story was used erroneously instead of the new story which had it included. Updating to the new story.
Now for dirt. We do have some week 13 series built but….we have not decided yet officially if we are going to include dirt in the update next week or not which is why we are pretty quiet about it. If we knew for sure that it was not in the update we would tell you. If we knew it was going to be in the update, we would tell you. As it is now, it is pretty dam fun! However there are still a couple little things we want to add and a couple things we would like to see a bit better. We have been testing and improving it for for months so I don’t want people to think
we are about to put out something that is not tested and up to our standards but we are still tweaking. Just normal software/game development but either way we are close. Maybe we should wait until April 1st!
FYI, there should be a little video coming out today announcing another piece of dirt content that is done and you will see a bit of dirt racing. The testers are having some fun!
My friend Chip predicted that iRacing would release dirt on April Fools day at least a month ago. It’s beginning to look more and more like he was right. If not during Week 13, then April 1 will do if that’s what it takes to get it right.
Now we can all sit on the edge of our seats waiting for that video announcing the new piece of dirt content. 😀
And here it is, along with the announcement that Volusia Speedway will be coming out along with the dirt release!
OMG-Same as home town Iowa with the exception of dirt compounds between Iowa and Florida.
You know-with the right marketing we could have a weekly race just here at VSP. We could have all classes racing heats each week and have a track champion just like we normally have now.