I love OSRacing.net! I use it all the time for short track racing.
Tyler D. Hudson
September 23, 2017
You make the best 410 Sprint setups I have ever used. I’ve tried setups from the iRacing forums, setups shared in sessions, and setups in Setup Sync, and the ones you make are the very best. Please keep it up! Donation is on the way!
Chris B.
September 24, 2017
Best iracing sk modified setups I ever found anywhere. Won several races on the Bristol setup. Thank you.
David B.
October 17, 2017
I have a hard time with setting up a car but with these setup’s I can enjoy IRacing. They’re competitive and helps me learn to drive and race. Thanks Jeff. Also enjoy racing in your sk modified league. you have a bunch of nice guy’s that race in this class. Donation on the way.
Craig Clay
November 18, 2017
Trusty Old School Racing, never let’s us down.
Hēmi Paterson
December 6, 2017
When i started using your setups, I started winning races. I’m learning to tweak them now to suit my style better, and I hope one day to build my own, but I’m sticking with yours in the meantime. Thank you so much for this valuable resource!
December 15, 2017
Thank you so much for your Charlotte Legends Track setup! The setup helped make my car the fastest one in many of my races this morning and that has never happened before. I’m really enjoying it.
Bill Eberhardt
September 7, 2018
Jeff Kendrick is one of the few individuals in the IRacing community who is truly trying to help everyone get better at this simulation. I personally know people that will send out bogus setups just so the people they race against dont have a chance to beat them. All drivers do things differently, I use Jeff’s OSRacing setups but have to tweak it a bit, but, it is a hell of alot better than starting from scratch or using IRacings base.
Jeff spends HOURS working on each of his setups and nothing gets submitted until his “analytical mind” is satisfied. Tero-I have not been following your threads with Jeff but from your previous comment on this thread I can see I do not need to waste my time. BTW-with the exception of you I have never read where anyone else has had a problem with Jeff. I guess you can only please 99.999% of the general public.
Thanks for all that you do for the community Jeff, your hours and hours of effort are much appreciated.
John Winkler3
March 9, 2018
I’ve used the OSRacing setups all week and they have drastically improved my lap times and position. The iRacing base setup for Lanier was on ice after 20 laps, but your setup held up strong the whole race. Thanks for sharing your hard work, I’d love to run some practice sessions with you for some tips.
Robert Haeg
March 9, 2018
I have been frequenting OSRacing for several years now. Ads or no ads, I will even drop a small contribution to Jeff every once in a while to help cover expenses. His site is the first and only place I go for short track setups.
His blogs are especially good reads. I really like his analytical approach to short track racing and especially his opinions on event formats. Example: He is a big proponent of single file restarts, as am I.
I am old school. The first race I attended was the Virginia 500 at Martinsville in April 1965. I grew up watching Ray Hendrick, Sonny Hutchins, Perk Brown, Paul Radford, Jimmy Hensley, Billy Hensley, etc. Heck, I remember when Junior Miller was a teenager. My childhood hero was Fred Lorenzen. There, I’m sufficiently dated. Matter of fact, as I am typing this I can hear some trucks practicing at Martinsville right now. Anyway, I digress.
Thanks, Jeff, and I do hope you keep this site going and that you are able to realize more than just covering expenses. You are a wealth of knowledge with short track race cars.
Tripp Smith
March 14, 2018
I am pretty shite at oval at the best of times and certainly cannot set a car up even if my life depended on it. I came across your site in the SK Modified partition and have now been using them for a few seasons, would just like to say thanks for making it possible for people like me to gain access to setups that generally work better than the baselines for free!!! Yea people you have kinda forgot that last bit there FREE SETUPS!!!! And to boot he even offers a little tuition for OMG….FREEE!!! Remember that the next time your writing some stupid crap about how the setup is bad or whatever, Jeff does them out of his own time and does not expect anything in return just a little respect….respect although hard to find nowadays in iracing is a wonderful thing to use when someone is giving you stuff for free….Rant over
Cheers jeff for the sets i got another free track done of my checklist using one of the sets, so keep up the fantastic work and support of short oval stuff
Koyoshi Kelley
December 8, 2018
Drove that set at Oxford tonight and the car held on for the enTIRE race! It would hold a tight inside line and wherever else I wanted the car to go and the set never went away and the tires never got too hot. If the back started to let go it was very controlled and correctible with a lift and just a bit of opposite lock. Thank you, Jeff.
Tripp Smith
December 8, 2018
After a year of iRacing just used your setups for week 13 street stocks and had great results, thank you guys so much. Now with my limited time I can finally run non fixed races competitively! Keep it up you make the community better.
David W.
December 11, 2018
Thanks to all for these kind words. I put a lot of work into the setups and the website and it’s a real pleasure to be able to help the iRacing community. If you would like to leave your testimonial just leave a reply below and I’ll add it to the page.
Jeff Kendrick
iRacing setups for ten different car classes are available with the OSR Gold Subscription. It’s only $2.99 per month for 80+ iRacing setups!
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If Discord is your preferred platform, why not join our Discord server for a seamless subscription experience? Access the same current setups at the same price, all conveniently available through Discord instead of a web subscription.
I know I am not the smartest peanut in the patch, But where or what website are the setups? wing 360? on charlotte dirt??
thanks john
woops, the shared setups on os racing site.
Use the menu on the upper left. There are setups for just about all of the oval stock cars.
thank you jeff.
Thank you for sharing these setups. Each one is worth a half second for a newbie! I would be lost getting up to speed without them.
Robert Brown your Kansas Xfinity Setup is bloody amazing!!!!
All of his setups are Amazing to me! they are the ones I always look for!
The Myrtle Beach setup for Late Models was great!! Thx!!
Em Pleno 2022, o site ainda é otimo para se ter um ajuste bom, com pequenas modificações para sua pilotagem!
Sou grato pela disposição Jeff, e podermos ter umas corridas boas!
Gostaria de enviar os setups que ando com as modificações que acabo fazendo, mas nunca perdendo a raiz de quem o fez!