Technical support for this website, the iRacing setups, or any other content on this website is provided only through our Discord Channel or Discord DM to Jeff Kendrick.
Check out our new OSR iRacing Setup Testimonials Page here.
There are plenty of iRacing setups around. In the past, most people found setups in the official iRacing forums. Searching the forums to find current iRacing setups could be a tedious task. iRacing changes the cars every 3 months. Sometimes setups work for a long time, and sometimes they’re only good for a season.
That’s why I first made the OSR iRacing setup file repository. I created and collected setups and put them here on the OSR website for your convenience. At the time that I started this website in 2013, I don’t think there was another website out there that provided this service. There were other ways to download iRacing setups outside the iRacing forum or this site, but OSR provided a unique service to the iRacing community.
Times have changed, and OSR had to adapt to stay current. We continue to offer iRacing setups for the iRacing community, but now they are exclusively available through our OSR Premium Discord Membership. A Discord subscription is required for access, providing you with a wide range of iRacing setups at an incredibly affordable price.
iRacing setups for eleven different car classes are available with the OSR Premium Discord Membership. It’s only $2.99 per month for 90+ iRacing setups!
Join Now!
The OSR Premium Discord Membership gives you access to the following iRacing setups:
iRacing Asphalt Setups
- NASCAR iRacing Class A Cup Car Setups
- NASCAR iRacing Class B Car Setups
- NASCAR iRacing Class C Truck Setups
- iRacing Late Model Stock Car Setups
- iRacing Legends Setups
iRacing Dirt Setups
- iRacing 360 Winged Sprint Car Setups
- iRacing World of Outlaws 410 Winged Sprint Car Setups
- iRacing Big Block Modified Setups
- iRacing World of Outlaws Super Late Model Setups
- iRacing Pro Late Model Setups
- iRacing Dirt Midget Setups
Accessing these high-quality iRacing setups is convenient and affordable at just $2.99 per month.
Join Now!
Alternatively, consider experimenting with a quality iRacing setup from Premier Racing Setups.
A Quick Guide to Downloading and Using iRacing Setups
- Save these setup files to the appropriate folder for the car you drive.
C:\Documents\iRacing\setups\<your car>\ - Do not attempt to open the setup file in Windows.
- Load the setup in the iRacing simulation under Garage – My Setups.
Still having problems? Join OSR Discord.
Join Now!
I try to store as much relevant information in the file name of the setup as possible. That way, when you look back through your setups you have some idea of what the setup was made for. Here is what the setup file names mean.
- Dirt setups: = TrackName-Season-SetupBuilder-Version (or other additional info).
- Asphalt setups: = TrackName-Season-TrackTemperature-SetupBuilder-Version (or other additional info).
Some setup file names may vary.
OSR is excited to once again provide free iRacing setups to the community! While we can’t cover every series on iRacing, we aim to offer setups for some of the more popular ones. Enjoy!
iRacing Class A Cup Car Qualifying Setup for Atlanta 2008 – Atlanta2008-KevinAnderson-Q
iRacing Class A Cup Car Race Setup for Atlanta 2008 – Atlanta2008-KevinAnderson-R
iRacing Dirt Pro Late Model Qualifying Setup for Volusia Speedway – Volusia-TylerYoung-Q
iRacing Dirt Pro Late Model Race Setup for Volusia Speedway – Volusia-TylerYoung-R
If you find that our setups don’t fit your style, you should consider experimenting with an iRacing setup offered by Premier Racing Setups.
Having problems? Join OSR Discord.
Thanks for all these iRacing setups! I’ve searched a lot of sites and almost all of them have old outdated sets, but yours are all pretty fresh. Great job! Thanks so much!
Thanks for the setups and running the site, but can you fix the iRacing Late Model Setups link on this page? it goes to a 404 page… The link is missing the -asphalt-
the correct link is
actually all of these links come back as error 404.. Same thing I assume, missing the -asphalt- in the link…
iRacing Asphalt Setups
iRacing Late Model Setups
iRacing Legends Setups
iRacing Street Stock Setups
iRacing Super Late Model Setups
Yes i will take care of it. This page sometimes gets overlooked when other things get changed.
Hi Jeff, i was able to download a setup buy can’t figure out how to load it into iracing. I go to the garage then my setups but can’t figure it out from there.
When will we get a UMP Mod Lanier Set?
I was waiting for an excellent Kyle Vincent Gilbert UMP setup contribution. 😀
Seriously, at this time of the season, I couldn’t tell you when I might get a chance to start with the UMP.
I like the car butI have a ton of setups to get ready for league and official right now. Fortunately the default setup actually feels pretty good. Drain the fuel out to what you need then some minor tweaks should help. The gear feels funny but it might be just right for that car. I would have to test it and testing takes… TIME, which I’m short on right now.I can’t get anything to download
I’ll need more data to help with that. It might be your antivirus software blocking it but I haven’t seen that one in a while.
I downloaded the setup but its not in my setups in iracing??
How to Open the Setups
Save these setup files to C:\Documents\iRacing\setups\whatever car\.
Do not attempt to open the setup file in Windows.
Load the setup in the iRacing simulation under Garage – My Setups.
Still having problems? Join OSR Voice/Text Chat.
Getting many “Can’t load setup” or “Failed” setups.
Downloading 2019 Season 1 setups (current season)
Any ideas?
P.S Need to clean out old 2018 setups.
Could you be more specific on which setups are failing?
2018 setups are archived here because people download and use them as a baseline from which to build. As more newer setups are added the oldest setups are removed, but I will always try to have some older setups available for those who want to use them. Setups for the Legends Cars from many years ago still work fine. I’m sure there will be some additional house cleaning done when NTMv7 begins to roll out on the oval cars.
I’ve noticed that the setups in the Dirt Super Late Model older than S4 of 2018 fail inspection. Probably due to the changes IRacing made to the car during this time. So they are really no use at all and safe to delete them.
However, I’ve also noticed that many setups I’ve downloaded for that car “fail to load” in Iracing. Upon further inspection of those setup files that fail, the size of the files are always 0.0 kb. Whereas files that do work are usually around 2kb in size.
Again, older setups are kept for a reason — people still download and use them. The fact is, the Dirt Super Late Model hasn’t had any significant changes since 2018 Season 2 and there are no setups older than that on the site. Setups from 2018 Season 2 still work great in 2019 Season 2 and I won’t delete them. I have loaded setups from 2018 Season 2 for that car and they load and work just fine, no problems at all. In fact, I found one from 2018 Season 2 that’s better than most of the more recent setups I’ve tried. Sometimes there is gold in those older setups. I’ll take a look at the setups and see if there is some issue with the path to the files.
Nascar Class C Trucks setups only link to Atlanta?
Use the menu on the left. Text links that were once on this page have been removed.
class a at dega?
i meant any setups for class a at talladega
Yes, couple dozen at least.
I’m looking for exactly that! but I can’t find ’em! anyone can help me out with a strong Dega 87 Montecarlo setup???
After adding setup to setup folder, I get a “can’t load setup” in the garage under my setups, when trying to load it. South Boston late models.
Hey guys, I dont know if there is a prob on my end or what but it is the first time it has happened to me downloading setups. Darlington Xfinity Camaro There are only 2 of em and both wont load into Iracing garage. It might be me on my end as the files are named stupid to me anyways, stockcars2camaro2019, Is that the right car folder? i honestly dont even know anymore between 2014,2018, nwcamaro, and COT what is the cot? Ive tried to do a google search but I cant find any answers. I must be wording it wrong perhaps
yes that is the right folder. it took me a min to figure it out too
do you guys have any new sets for tour mod at myrtle beach
any 911 gt3 cup setups for nordschleife ur oval setups are ace btw
will there be setups for the midgets at Kokomo?
Yes, there are.
there is no link for Kokomo under Midgets
Thanks for letting me know. That has been fixed.
I am unable to download any setup no matter what I try to open the download with. When it does download, it is in a foreign language.
You’re doing it wrong. You don’t open the setup and try to read it. Download to the correct location. Search for the right way to do it.
do yall have anything for the PM-18
I’m not finding any setups for Bristol street stock. Is this true? In fact, seems many of the setups I find are suddenly 2-3 years old for the latest, usually have found anything I want and fairly new. Have I missed an update or routed to an older page?
Street Stock is a fixed setup series.
looking for street stock setups for hosted races
i cannot seem to get an account established
Hello Jeff, thanks for maintaining the site. I really appreciate all the work on your end to keep in going. I just donated to cause as well, to help cover some of your costs. Is there a way to download the files in bulk. Like all the dirt setups or all asphalt setups at one time?
Are your set ups for A class oval asphalt now for the next gen cars. When i tried to load then in for Atlanta it loaded into “my set ups” but would not let me load it into the car.
Can you give me some help here please. Been using you guys for a while now.
The website will not allow to click on asphalt setups like it usually would, therefore, no setups can be accessed
The issue with the menu system has been fixed. For faster response in the future, please send me a message in the OSR Discord server,
Got a setup pack from “apex industries’ then found this site; Got free Big Block sets here and they’re all faster and more stable. Apex is a scam.
Thank you so much for your setups, I was struggling a lot to get in good laptimes, Your setups have helped me a very great deal to perform a lot better wich surely adds to racing pleasure.
Thank you for the setups. They fit my driving style very nicely. I do have one question. Can you guys do Asphalt Sprint Car Setups?
I don’t currently have time for it, but you can get good setups for that car in this Discord server:
Can You tell me why I cant download any truck pro 2 setups?
If we have any setups for that vehicle I’m sure they are outdated. Apologies, but there just isn’t enough demand.
i click download and the tab refreshes with “HMMM: Try that again” on the Dirt Setups
I can’t duplicate the problem. Maybe try a different browser?