I decided to add this video here because a lot of people ask how to drive the iRacing Winged Sprint Cars or how to get more speed in the iRacing 410 Winged Sprint Cars. This is Weston Newell, a guy I consider one of the top drivers in the 410 Sprint Cars. You may be surprised by how slow he runs in the corners. It’s the same old cliche I’ve heard at least ten thousand times since I started playing around in simulated racing: slow is fast. What you really have to keep in mind is, smooth is fast, and sometimes you have to slow it way down to keep it smooth. There is a fine line there. You want to go as fast as you can while remaining smooth. You can find that fine line with practice. Now I’ll let the video do the talking.
Here are some more tips from Weston Newell.
The key is to [stay out of the slick as much] as possible. It’s possible to run through the slick around the entire track and be fast…but the track needs to be VERY slick for that to be the case. Most often you either want to be on the top or on the bottom. If the fast line is the top and you are faster than the person in front of you then you will have no choice but to throw a slider for the position. Make sure you have room in front of him to slide into and get a run of momentum that he doesn’t have. Dive to the bottom and let the car slide up the track into the top lane. If you have more momentum you will easily clear him (you are cutting off track distance by going low).
[This is a] video of me running in a 410 sprint car on a VERY slick Knoxville track for a league race. Pay attention to throttle control and limiting the wheel movement. This is a slicker track than you will EVER see in an official race. The grip is there you just have to know where to be! (This usually comes from seat time).
At the beginning of the race I was for SURE full throttle in the straights. If you can get some grip you can go full speed but if you are running high (in the slick) in the straights then I am NOT full throttle. Likely 3/4 or so! If you run low in the straights (on the tacky stuff) then you have no issues going hammer down! Just make sure you time it correctly and don’t get in it too hard to early. I will look into making a few videos with wheel inputs! I just made a few videos recently for fun. Unfortunately my PC isn’t the greatest (I race in VR just fine) but it struggles a bit with clarity during replays. The car doesn’t look like it’s on the track due to my own stupidity. I used the “gyro” cam and moved its location… I however forgot to tick the little box that says “camera is not in car”. So there are no shadows done for the LF wheel etc… that is why it looks so goofy! As you can tell i’m no professional YouTuber haha! I will try to record one tomorrow (I can do this race if you’d like) and get it posted up. I’d say sometimes the small amount of throttle used is surprising…other times you are on the gas more than what you would think you can be!
wow tough surface! I’m just starting out in 410 officials so this is a great video thank you, i’ve got some practice to be doing! (I prefer tacky tracks but all that means is i don’t get races…..time to get busy eh?)
Unfortunately I only have a controller not a full steering system but i plan to be driving 410s asap. Did sling mud for fun but had trouble with wrecked traffic..name on iracing michaelnorris4
dirt sprint car 360 non wing setup for Williams grove please and thank you
I could use a 410 setup for Fairbury.
I used Westons 360 eldora setup and kicked but. Thanks Weston. What would need changed to apply this 360 setup to a 410 setup.
You probably need a gear change to use it in a 410. Try a 4.86 gear. Increase the number some possibly, but a 4.86 should be okay.