I’m sure there are plenty of iRacers who love the Time Attack competition. For me, it was like Fruit Stripe Gum. I first heard about it in a forum post by iRacing’s Tony Gardner. There were no details other than it would be a new type of competition. I was really excited to hear this because I very seldom run official races and I get bored with Time Trials. Time Attack came along later, along with the new UI. I said “Oh. Qualifying again.” Who can turn the hottest lap. Boredom on steroids.
Imagine my disappointment when iRacing disabled Time Attack today. It seems it just wasn’t fair. All those times are going to get erased since there was a glitch that made some people faster. Here’s the post from iRacing:
It has come to our attention that weather settings may not be consistent for all competitors using our new website in our time attack competitions. The issue was introduced when we added the replay functionality on the new site and we are working to find a solution but the fact that we cannot ensure a level playing field for all competitors in this feature means we will be turning off Time Attack until this has been fixed. We will also be turning off the replay functionality on the new site until this issue has been resolved.
As part of this process, we will be ending the existing Time Attack series and starting new competitions once the fix has been rolled out. This includes the three featured Time Attack series that have prizes associated with them. To be clear, we will be nullifying all results in the existing Time Attack series and starting them over when the fix has been implemented.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
Steve [Myers]
All kidding aside, that’s too bad for the people who actually enjoyed Time Attack. It will be back, but for now it does not exist, and all of the old records will be sanitized.
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