Times have changed, and OSR had to adapt to stay current. We continue to offer iRacing setups for the iRacing community, but now they are exclusively available through our OSR Premium Discord Membership. A Discord subscription is required for access, providing you with a wide range of iRacing setups at an incredibly affordable price.
iRacing setups for eleven different car classes are available with the OSR Premium Discord Membership. It’s only $2.99 per month for 90+ iRacing setups!
Join Now!
The OSR Premium Discord Membership gives you access to the following iRacing setups:
iRacing Asphalt Setups
- NASCAR iRacing Class A Cup Car Setups
- NASCAR iRacing Class B Car Setups
- NASCAR iRacing Class C Truck Setups
- iRacing Late Model Stock Car Setups
- iRacing Legends Setups
iRacing Dirt Setups
- iRacing 360 Winged Sprint Car Setups
- iRacing World of Outlaws 410 Winged Sprint Car Setups
- iRacing Big Block Modified Setups
- iRacing World of Outlaws Super Late Model Setups
- iRacing Pro Late Model Setups
- iRacing Dirt Midget Setups
Accessing these high-quality iRacing setups is convenient and affordable at just $2.99 per month.
Join Now!
Alternatively, consider experimenting with a quality iRacing setup from Premier Racing Setups.
A Quick Guide to Downloading and Using iRacing Asphalt Legends Setups
- Save these setup files to the appropriate folder for the car you drive.
C:\Documents\iRacing\setups\legends ford34c\ - Do not attempt to open the setup file in Windows.
- Load the setup in the iRacing simulation under Garage – My Setups.
Still having problems? Join OSR Discord.
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If you find that our setups don’t fit your style, you should consider experimenting with an iRacing setup offered by Premier Racing Setups.
Having problems? Join OSR Discord.
Hey man id like to thank you for making these setup there completely changing my legends cup experience
You’re very welcome.
when i load your charlotte legends setups it comes up invalid? Lanier worked amazing though. Great setups.
Any fixes for Charlotte?
Thanks again
I don’t believe I have an iRacing setup for Charlotte for the Legends car. Is it possibly you downloaded a Charlotte setup for a different car?
bet thats it.. sorry
Thanks for the setup. I am 3 tenths better right away!
how do I load these setups
Sorry i didn’t read direction got it now
Thanks also,love the set ups!!!
Thanks for the great setups! Keep em coming!
won first legends race at USA using your setup. Handled like a dream and was 2 tenths better than my setup! Thank You!
I’m glad to hear that Tim! This setup was also a lot of fun in our league race and I had a few compliments on it. Sometimes I hit it right, sometimes I don’t. Thanks for your comment! 🙂
Will this be updated with the old ones out?
It is updated but old ones are never removed unless they become obsolete.
Ok, thank you!
After reading the instructions i still can’t down load the set ups. Do i need to donate first. Thanks.
After reading the instructions i still can’t down load the setups. Do i need to donate first. Thanks.
Join OSR Discord.
i’m still trying to figure out how to get the set ups added to iracing
Join OSR Discord.
Whats the 4 digit number that goes with your name so we can contact you
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
hello , stilll having problems i guess,
seems as i have several document files one in ” this p.c.” one in downloads,one in desk top, one in music, videos etc etc, which ine is supposed to be the right one ??? i go to documents in “this pc” then hit i racing then setups then advanced ledgends theres a lot there but when i goto sim and go to legdens, not in there ,,,what aam i doing wrong ????
Same problem here ..I spent all day yesterday trying to get one set up,to,load with no sucess and no idea where I am going wrong … This may be a good product but useless if you can,t get it to work ..Jeff you say to contact you but without your 4 digit number I can,t do that ..You need to make that available .
I did get one to load onto my setups but then when I went to open them it said It could not read the files or something like that . I am sure I am not the only member to get frustrated and leave without one successful download . You need a much clearer step by step process . …need help or I will have to go some where else
It doesn’t get any clearer or simpler than this: https://osracing.net/how-to-download-and-open-iracing-setups/
You’re welcome to go elsewhere, but, no matter where you go you will still have to learn how to download and open the setups. Good luck.
Jeff for newbies, we can find many wrong ways to interpret the download instructions .
I spent 3 hours before I got the first one done and even then i WAS NOT SURE WHAT I had done different . Your reply suggests you don,t care so I expect I will follow your suggestion
and go some where else
The vast majority of users figure it out quickly. There are tons of videos on Youtube. It’s not that I don’t care, it’s just that I’m busy and I don’t have time to stop and train you in using the Microsoft Windows operating system. The instructions can only be interpreted in one way if you have a basic understanding of Windows. If you don’t understand you’re operating system, perhaps you are putting the cart before the horse.
Hey Jeff! Just wanted to say I love this site! Do you remember me? I’ve raced with you a couple of years ago! I’ve participated in some league racing done by OSR! You guys are really nice. I’m back in iRacing and pretty hyped up! Greetings from Brazil!
Oh, and I’ve made a humble donation in Paypal! Hope it helps (even if just a little)!
I do remember you. Thanks for your donation and welcome back. 🙂
hola soy de argentina me acabo de inscribir en su pagina , hice una humilde donación muy buenos sus setups